This is the first scene that is really quite suspensful, the music sets it and the dialogue talks a little about it. The man argues with his bed ridden wife after he makes her dinner and answers all of her calls. She laughs and doesnt appreciate the effort. You can see the man get more and more annoyed with his wife as they continue to argue. It sets you up for something bad to happen.

The second suspenseful scene is where the main guy has started to properly spy on the man because he suspects him of killing his wife. The scene gets more suspenseful as he sees him cleaning two very large knifes.

This is a scene where the main guy is explaining to his girlfriend his suspicions about the murder. She doesn't believe him until they both spot the guy packing up a huge trunk that they presume is containing his wife's body.

This is a scene where a woman's dog is sniffing around the murderers garden. You hear a scream and the dog is dead. Everyone rushes to their windows to see the commotion apart from one man. The murderer sits in his room in the dark and all you can see is his cigar being smoked. This is quite a good bit of imagery and dialogue.

This is the final and most suspenseful scene of the film. It is the part where the main guys girlfriend sneaks into the murderers flat to find some evidence. He comes back to find her there, so the main guy calls the police. The murderer sees the woman signal to the main guy and sees him spying. After she leaves the main guy calls his friend, looks around and the murderer is gone. This is the most suspenseful scene because all the lights are off and we now know that the murderer definitely is a murderer and he's after the guy who is spying. He enters the main guys flat and he has to flash him with his camera flash to distract him. You have no idea what he is going to do.
The imagery is good because there is a lot to work with and the dialogue has a lot of meaning towards the film.
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