Friday, 4 June 2010

Final Evaluation

At the start of the FMP module I stated that I wanted to explore print processes and mixed media. This has been in my mind the whole way through and hasn’t changed. I wanted to use appropriate uses of print and formats. I have stuck to that statement throughout the FMP and am pleased with my results.

I have grown as a designer since the start of my FMP. At first I would work slowly and carefully. This was not proving fruitful. This has been the way I have worked throughout the three years. I decided to make a change within the way I work and started becoming fast paced. This way I could quickly get my ideas out onto paper before starting the design process on screen. This has proven to be a lot more efficient and effective with the outcomes of my work. It has made me enjoy working more and appreciate the complexity of design and the nature of the way professionals work. I feel that looking through my FMP this becomes a distinct clarity and it shows progressive change for myself as a designer.

I don’t think I have learned many new processes, but that is not what I stated/intended to do. Instead I have learned how to work well within and deadline and how to use appropriate media, processes and formats, which is exactly what I had intended/stated I would do.

Throughout my FMP I have stuck to my guns using different and appropriate print processes. I feel that the way I have worked in the past has held me back in showing my true potential as a designer as I was just choosing processes that were ‘cool’ and not using appropriate media.

I feel that my grasp on print and process since the module started has come on leaps and bounds and has supplied me with knowledge that I know will only help me to grow even more as a designer and help me become a more mature professional. This knowledge has really helped me gain the best outcomes for my FMP work as I am now choosing the right tool for the job.

Overall I am extremely pleased with the way that I have started to work; when I look back at the way I used to work I know it could have been better. This module has made me progress more than I could have hoped for. I have enjoyed the whole experience even though it has been hard. I have tried to start preparing myself for industry and work and I feel the FMP module and the overall course has done that. The progress that I have made as a whole is overwhelming and the FMP module has all the credit to take for that. I have really started to consider what I am doing and why I am doing it instead of just doing something for the sake of it. The design process is a hard thing to grasp and the FMP module has helped me grasp a little bit of it. I am now working towards the end product and thinking of how I am going to design it and how it will be produced.

To sum up, the FMP module has been hard but has helped me learn, grow, mature and understand the way I want/need to work. I feel if I do start work with same frame of mind as I have done within the FMP module then I am hopefully on the right track.

Fine Art Yearbook - Photo's

Just some photos that Angus took, they look real good so well done him.

Fine Art Yearbook - Books are here!

The books and flyers are finally here. We are really pleased with the results. The flier is just the inside cover, black on the front and blue on the back. The only problem is the blade was blunt on the flyer cutting so they are going to do some more. It's all part of a learning curve but it's worth it.

Fine Art Yearbook - Spreads

We have decided to mix it up a little with the spreads in the book. Some full bleed, some positioned differently and some just single on a page. They really like it and we have stuck to a real simple grid system that organizes the pages well.

Fine Art Yearbook - Changes

So after the meeting we had with the fine artists, they really liked Angus's initial layout, so we went with that and some obvious changes. We did some colour variations but it turned out they really like the black on the outside and the blue on the inside. Which is fine with us as we really like that too.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

A Mystery Apparel Shirt Failure

Really close to the deadline this happened when trying to print the shirts. It's a real shame because I think they had real potential. The screen was obviousley blocked and I literally don't have time to correct it. The screens had some glue stuff on, which is annoying because it's not my fault, but I have to deal with it. I'll have to mock them up using photoshop. 

Things like this are annoying because I am pretty good at screen printing and these could have been really nice.

Boards 2

These are my second attempt at my boards/ I have chosen to keep the full bleed images on the first ones, and I have now opted for less images on the rest of the boards but have chosen to keep them all to the edges. I feel this is a good idea as it shows the story of my projects off well. I have still kept them clean and clear, but with images right to the edge it showcases the products.

Boards 1

These are my first attempts at boards for my fmp. I have chosen not to put development work i.e. design sheets in as they are on my blog and would ruin the look of the boards. I have decided to make my boards more of a story that takes you through what products I have developed. These will have a little statement at the bottom explaining this.

These are not very nice boards, the pictures have uneven boarders and they aren't very well considered. They also have a serif font on which (as the feedback from my crit says) is hard to read.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Black Magic - New Layout

This is the new revised version of the Black Magic book. It hasn't changed much as altogether this is only a two or three day brief, but it has a more complementing layout for the photos. I have added more double page spreads in to showcase the pictures. I have also taken some of the worse pictures out, this has given it a better feel I think.